Funeral Flowers - Open Hearts, Angels, Butterflies & Gates to Heaven

All Funeral Tributes can be made in colours and flowers of your choice.

Should you wish to personalise your floral tribute we can work with either bespoke designs or letters of your preference.

We can create any size and shape of tribute. Additional accessories can be added for as little as £3.

Need more ideas? Take a look through our Gallery and Facebook page to see other beautiful examples of our work.

If you have any further enquiries please don't hesitate to Contact Us and we will be happy to help.

Open Floral Heart

Personalised Open Heart Funeral Tribute
Personalised Open Heart Funeral Tribute 2 Personalised Open Heart Funeral Tribute 3

A beautiful floral heart in flowers and colours of your choice.

  • 15 inch: £65
  • 17 inch: £85
  • 20 inch: £105
  • 23 inch: £135

Based Double Open Heart

A Based Double-Heart in colours and flowers of your choice
more examples
coming soon

In colours and flowers of your choice.

  • 24 inch: £105
  • 30 inch: £135


Butterfly Funeral Tribute 2
Butterfly Funeral Tribute 1 Butterfly Funeral Tribute 3

A stunning Butterfly Funeral Tribute.

  • 17" x 2ft: £130
  • 3ft x 2ft: £175

Gates to Heaven

Gates to Heaven Funeral Tribute
Gates to Heaven Funeral Tribute Gates to Heaven Funeral Tribute

A gorgeous "Gates to Heaven" Funeral Tribute in memory of your loved one.

  • £125
  • £150 (3-4 lettered name written in)
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